1 Violence conjugale et aliénation parentale


This research, wich began in 2016, includes four components: 1) literature review of policies and other relevant documents; 2) legal analysis; 3) key informant interviews; and 4) case studies, conducted with women victims of violence who were perceived as ‘alienating’. In recent years, data has been collected for these four components. Data collection is complete in Quebec and underway in Ontario. Data analyses is also underway and some results have already been releases.

Lapierre, S., Ladouceur, P., Frenette, M. & Coté, I. (2020). The legitimization and institutionalization of ‘parental alienation’ in the Province of Quebec, Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 42(1),1-1

Lapierre, S., Abrahams, N., Frenette, M., Ladouceur, P., & Vincent, A. (2021) Aliénation parentale et « fausses dénonciations » de violence conjugale. In B. Mallevaey (Eds), Aliénation parentale : Regards croisés (pp. 93-108). Mare et Martin, France.

Research team

This research is carried out under the direction of Simon Lapierre

Funding source

The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)

2 Exposition à la violence conjugale, relation père-enfant et processus de réparation: point de vue d'enfants et d'adolescents


This research aims to better understand the experience and point of view of children and adolescents exposed to domestic violence on the father-child relationship in a post-separation context. She is particularly interested in father-child contacts (rights of access) ans the process of reparation envisaged by children and adolescents following their experience of exposure to domestic violence.

Research team

Simon Lapierre, Isabelle Côté and Dominique Damant, in collaboration with le Regroupement des maisons pour femmes victimes de violence conjugale, la Fédération des maisons d’hébergement pour femmes as well as la Fédération des associations de familles monoparentales et recomposées du Québec

Funding source

The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)

3 Reprise de pouvoir des femmes sur leur sécurité en contexte de violence conjugale: étude des pratiques en maison d'hébergement pour femmes au Québec


The general objective of this project is to identify what contributes to women regaining power over their safety in women’s shelters in Quebec. Based on a mixed estimate, this project is divided into two stages. The first step aimed to translate and validate methodological tools to assess the recovery of power over security in the context of domestic violence. The second stage will be based on the tools translated and validated in the first stage to answer the following question: What intervention practices in shelters are associated with women regaining power over their safety ? To do this, the project team, wich relies on the pricnipales of feminist and partnership research, will recruit a total of 200 women staying in shelters ans will collect data in three stages: on arrival, on discharge and three months after departure.

Côté, I., & Louis Jean Esprival, S. (2021). Reprise du pouvoir des femmes sur leur sécurité en contexte de violence conjugale : Étude des pratiques en maison d’hébergement au Québec. Rapport de la phase I.

Côté, I., Louis Jean Esprival, S., Lafortune, L., & Bigaouette, M. (sous presse). Pratiques d’intervention favorisant la reprise du pouvoir des femmes sur leur sécurité : perspective d’intervenantes en maison d’aide et d’hébergement. Recherches féministes.

Côté, I., Gagnon, J., Damant, D., & Lapierre, S. (sous presse). Quelles variables sont associées à la reprise du pouvoir des femmes sur leur sécurité en contexte de violence conjugale? Criminologie.

Côté, I., & Louis Jean Esprival, S. (2022). Facteurs associés à la sécurité et à la reprise du pouvoir des femmes recevant des services d’aide en matière de violence conjugale : une revue narrative de la littératureRevue canadienne de service social. 39(1), 5-26.

Côté, I., Gagnon, J., Lapierre, S., Damant, D., Louis Jean Esprival, S., & Goodman, L.A. (2021). Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the MOVERS Scale in a French-Canadian PopulationJournal of Family Violence, 36(7), 871-883.

Research team

Isabelle Côté, Simon Lapierre et Dominique Damant, in collaboration with le Regroupement des maisons pour femmes victimes de violence conjugale, la Fédération des maisons d’hébergement pour femmes as well as Lisa Goodman

Funding source

The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)

4 International Partneship on Parental Alienation


This project aims to develop an international partnership that brings together academic researchers and community organizations interested in and working with women who have experienced IPV and who have been considered “engaged in PA”. There are four specific objectives: 1) To examine how PA discourses are used in family courts and child protection practices in different countries, particularly in situations where women who have experienced DIV are considered “engaged in PA”, and identify similarities and differences; 2) Document the impacts of PA discourses and practices on women victims of violence and their children, and on community organizations working with women who have been victims of IPV; 3) Analyze the strategies used by women victims of violence, community organizations and researchers to challenge the discourses and practices of PA, and to counter the allegations made against women who have been victims of IPV; 4) Develop tools to support women victims of violence, community organizations and researchers who wish to challenge PA discourses and practices, or counter allegations made against women who have experienced IPV.

Research team

This research is conducted under the direction of Simon Lapierre, full professor at the School of social wook at the University of Ottawa, with co-researchs Dominique Damant (Université de Montréal), Elizabeth A. Sheehy (Université d’Ottawa) Isabelle Côté ( Université Laurentienne) Katreena L. Scott (Université de Toronto) et Peter G. Jaffe (Université de Western Ontario), en collaboration avec Adrienne Barnett (Université Brunel), Emmanuelle Melan (Solidarité Femmes), Felicity Kaganas (Université Brunel), Gloria Casas Vila (Université de Lausanne), Joan Meier (Université George Washington), Julie Doughty (Université de Cardiff), Linda C.Meilson (Université du Nouveau-Brunswick), Mariachiara Feresin (Università degli Studi Di Trieste), Molly Dragiewicz (Université Griffith) , Patrizia Romito (Università degli Studi Di Trieste) et Zoe S. Rathus (Griffith University), ainsi qu’en partenariat avec la Fondation Antigone (Vancouver), Women’s Shelters Canada (Ottawa), la Fédération des maisons d’hébergement pour femmes du Québec (Montréal), le Regroupement des maisons pour femmes victimes de violence conjugale (Montréal), Solidarité femmes et refuge pour femmes victimes de violences (Belgique), le Réseau International des Mères en Lutte (France) ), Université d’Ottawa (Ottawa) et Action ontarienne contre la violence faite aux femmes (Ottawa).

Funding source

The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)

5 Expertise psychosociale dans les situations de violence conjugale


This research aims to determine the importance given to domestic violence in psychosocial expertise, which may be required when establishing custody and in post-separation settings.

Research team

Simon Lapierre, Alexandra Vincent and Isabelle Côté, in partnership with l’Escale pour Elle and l’Autre Escale